Independent Small Animal Practice in Grays, Essex
Could Your Pet Be Diabetic?

Although any cat or dog can develop diabetes the following breeds have shown an increased risk of developing the disease:
Alaskan malamute
Miniature schnauzer
Chow chow
Labrador retriever
Hungarian puli
Golden retriever
Miniature pinscher
Old English sheepdog
Springer spaniel
Finnish spitz
West Highland white terrier
Cairn terrier
In the UK and Australia, burmese cats have been reported to have a higher incidence of diabetes mellitus

For further more detailed information on diabetes in your pet take a look at MSD Animal Health excellent advice website using the link below:
If you think your pet might be showing any of the symptoms described on this page, then please give the surgery a call on 01375 373202 to talk to a member of staff and arrange an appointment.