Independent Small Animal Practice in Grays, Essex

Fireworks can make celebrations exciting for us, but they're not always quite as much fun for our pets. Nearly two thirds of UK owners reported that their pets are scared of fireworks.
Generally, most pets will struggle with fireworks. Animals have acute senses, for them every flash and bang can be unexpected and alarming.
Signs that your pet may show:
Ears Back
Excessive panting
Hiding away
Barking excessively
Messing in the house
Over grooming
Tips & Tricks to help your pet:
Walk your dog at times when fireworks are least likely to be set off.
Create a safe haven for your pet, a blanket over a couple of chairs for your dog to hide under or a cardboard box with a blanket for your cat. Include their favourite toys, chews or a puzzle feeder to keep them occupied.
Make sure your dog has a collar with identification tag on just in case he manages to slip out the house or garden.
If your pet is microchipped make sure all details are up to date with your current phone numbers in case they run off or escape due to being spooked by a firework.
Don't leave your dog alone in the house when fireworks are being used, as he may panic and injure himself.
Keep a radio or television on to help drown out the noise and close any curtains or blinds to stop the flashes from the fireworks outside.
Make sure cat flaps are secure. Keep cats indoors overnight around the more popular times of year for people to have firework displays.
Keep rabbit & guinea pig hutch doors well covered to prevent the flashes and bright colours scaring them, bring them indoors if possible.
Ignore the firework noises yourself, a lot of pets will 'feed' off your emotions and reactions.
Treat your pet to a new toy for the firework period to help preoccupy them. Don't force them to play if they don't want to though.
Bring a braver buddy round. If you know of a dog who isn't scared by the noises and who gets on well with your dog, you could invite this dog round in the evenings to help your dog to realise that there's no need to be afraid.
Got a kitten? The aim for cats is to accustom them to loud noises but not make them totally afraid as they need to keep away from loud noises to prevent injury. Teach a kitten to move away from the noise. Play a noise gently and then lead them away into another room to play or for tasty treats!
Got a puppy? It is important to start desensitising your puppy from an early age so that they remain relaxed in these situations as adults. If they are gradually accustomed often enough, dogs can learn to be completely at ease with loud noises.
NEVER punish your pet for unwanted behaviour as a result of fireworks going off - this will only make them more distressed.
Speak to a member staff for advice on products that can help your pet through the firework season. It is a good idea to start these early before the fireworks start. These range from over the counter plug-in diffusers, herbal remedies, supplements and if necessary prescription products.