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Pre & Post Operative Advice

Pre Operative Advice
  • Your pet needs to be starved from 10 pm the evening before, please do not give them any food including treats after this time. Access to water overnight and in the morning is fine.

  • Please take your dog for a short walk in the morning to allow them to go to the toilet.

  • Please bring all dogs in on a lead.

  • Please make sure dogs are brought in clean. If they are muddy or very dirty this could lead to infections with the surgical sites. Give them a bath or a groom a day or so prior to bring them in for their procedure.


  • If Your cat is over 5 months of age they need to be starved from 10 pm the evening before, please do not give them any food including treats after this time. Access to water overnight and in the morning is fine.

  • If you cat is under 5 months of age, DO NOT starve overnight. We like the young cats to have a small meal in the morning of the surgery around 7am then nothing else after this time.

  • Cats must be kept in overnight prior to the day of admission. Please supply your cat with a litter tray and litter. This is to ensure they are starved, no midnight snacks and that they are in the house ready to come to the practice.

  • Cats must be brought into the surgery in a secure plastic pet carrier. (Cardboard boxes or open top containers are NOT suitable).


Rabbits & other Small Furries
  • Rabbits, guinea pigs & other small furries do not need to be starved prior to admit.

  • Please bring a portion of their normal food with them as we they will need access to food throughout their stay.

  • Rabbits and other small furries must be brought into the surgery in a secure plastic pet carrier. (Cardboard boxes are NOT suitable).



  • All anaesthetics and surgical procedures carry some risk to the patient. We aim to reduce this risk as much as possible by always having a qualified Veterinary Surgeon and a Qualified Nurse caring for your pet while they under go their procedure and during their recovery. The anaesthetic is closely monitored throughout the procedure with regular checks on their heart rate , respiratory rate, temperature , etc.

  • Prior to anaesthetic or sedation being given to your pet we can run pre-surgical blood test (PSP). This test can help us rule out any liver or kidney disease that may increase the anaesthetic risk to your pet. 

  • Please bring along any medication your pet is currently on.

  • You will be given an admission time when booking the procedure, usually between 8.30 - 9.30am. On admission one of our nurses will go through a consent form and estimate with you which they will get you to sign giving us permission for the procedure.

  • Any further questions please call us 01375 373202 and speak to a member of staff.


Post Operative Advice


  • Your pet maybe sleepy when you take them home after their procedure, this is normal and they are normally back to their selves with 24 hrs.

  • Keep your pet warm and quiet when you get them home and offer them a light meal that evening. Letting them eat too much to quickly can cause vomiting due to the affects of the anaesthetic. 

  • Rabbits & guinea pigs do not need to be starved and it is important that they are back eating their normal diet as soon as possible.

  • Cats will need to be kept in for a period of time depending on the procedure performed, the nurse will advised you on the length of time at discharge.

  • Dogs will need restricted exercise which includes not letting them jump up and down onto sofas, beds and running up and down stairs. The length of time needed will be advised to you by the nurse on discharge.

  • You need to prevent you pet from licking the affected area and wound, they will normally be discharged with a plastic Buster Collar but other options may available depending on procedure. You will be able to discuss these options on discharge and you will be advised by the nurse on the length of time this needs to stay on for.

  • A written post operative instruction sheet will be provided including any post operative appointments needed, We will also give you a copy of any blood test results performed and will also email you a copy of any radiographs taken (Please provide us with a email address on where you would like these sent.)

  • If you have any concerns with the operation site or the health of your pet following surgery please call us on 01375 373202 for advice.



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