Independent Small Animal Practice in Grays, Essex
Fees & Payment
Riverside Veterinary Surgery displays a list of charges for consultations, vaccinations, microchipping, common blood tests, routine surgical procedures and dental treatments in the waiting room. If you have any questions about our charges for routine procedures please telephone the surgery and we will be happy to advise you.
If your pet needs hospitalisation, investigation of disease such as xrays, ultrasound or further tests, or needs surgery, we will be happy to prepare an estimate based on your pet's individual condition. If your animal is admitted for extensive investigations or treatments, we recommend that you ask for this to be updated on a daily basis.
Please note that all fees and charges are due for payment at the time of consultation, or when collecting your pet after surgery. We try to keep costs down by reducing bills and paperwork and therefore do not offer credit. If you envisage having problems paying for treatment, please speak to one of the vets before your pet has surgical or medical treatment as we may be able to offer a cheaper alternative, or suggest applying to an animal charity for help in certain cases.
Our prices are set so that we remain competitive and affordable but also so that we can invest our profits in new equipment, better facilities for patient investigations and treatment, and further training for our staff. Advances in veterinary medicine over time inevitably mean higher fees as we continue to improve the service we can give to clients and care we are able to provide for pets. The BSAVA has created a document to help explain some of the running costs involved in a veterinary practice which can be read HERE.
We strongly recommend that all clients take out pet insurance. For further details on this take a look at our insurance information page.
We accept payment via cash or card and also can take card payment over the phone, as well as via an emailed payment link on request.
If your pet is insured please make sure we have the details on file and are aware of this at the beginning of the treatment. A direct claim (where the insurance company pays us directly for your pets treatment) may be possible but is arranged on an individual case basis, please speak to the vet to discuss further.
We are also now able to offer up to a 12 month interest free loan via Animal Friends Pet Insurance. Please speak to a member of staff to discuss further.
If an account is left outstanding without prior agreement from the surgery then additional surcharges will be added.
For further information on making your payment, claiming through your pet insurance or to inquire about our fees please call the practice on 01375 373202